Awards of Recognition January 2022

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Impact documentary Film Festival


Documentary Film festival

Alan J. Chriest (USA), Overweight, Documentary Short
Amanda Christmas (Canada), Lost Lake: Gone but not Forgotten, Documentary Short
Antonio Bellido Marín (Spain), TRIP TO THE TAX PARADISE  – RUMBO AL PARAISO FISCAL, Documentary Feature
Aref Alvandy (USA), Lastovo 46, Documentary Short
Awais Bashir (USA), Dancing On Water, Documentary Short
Brenda Patricia Garza (USA), Political Agenda, Documentary Short (Student)
Chloe Lipman (USA), Cowruption, Documentary Short (Student), Health / Medicine / Science (Student)
Christine Kenton (USA), My name is Nobody, Documentary Short
Damien Donnelly (Ireland), My Life as a Piece of Space Debris, Documentary Short
Deborah Wright (USA), The Great Suppression: How Covid-19 Reignited the Fight for Life & Liberty, Documentary Feature, Editing, Original Score (Composed by James Lindsay), Sound Editing / Sound Mixing
Diana Puzikova (USA), Still Suffering, Documentary Feature
Diane Robinson (USA), THE YOUNG VOTE, Documentary Feature

Impact Documentary Festival

Diogo Varela Silva (Portugal), Do Bairro (From the Neighborhood), Documentary Feature
Duncan Lauer (USA), Future’s Resistance, Documentary Short (Student), Special Effects: Animation (Student)
Ellis Jennings Jr. (USA), EJs Warriors The Documentary, Documentary Feature
Ethan Ireland (USA), The Signal in the Noise, Documentary Feature
Francis Gumm (USA), GAY MEANS HAPPY, Documentary Short
George Leontakianakos (Greece), Bella Bimba, Documentary Short
Gerard M. Cahill (USA), LIVING WATER, Documentary Short
Guy Letourneau, Fallen By Choice Productions Inc (Canada), She Builds her Home, Documentary Feature, Contemporary Issues / Awareness Raising
Hans Peter Glasmann (USA), The Good The Bad and The Slow, Documentary Feature
Harri James, The O’Kelley Lab (USA), O’Kelley Legends: 2e Behind the Scenes, Documentary Feature
Iñès Compan (France), ECCE OJO, Documentary Feature, Viewer Impact: Content / Message Delivery

Impact Documentary Festival

Jason Greer and Vanessa Cicarelli (USA), SHE, Documentary Feature
Jason Harney (USA), The Making of a Cheer Team, Documentary Feature
Jon Francis (USA), Ben, Documentary Short, Religion / Ethics
Joshua Peterson and Amelia Peterson (USA), Ghostlight, Documentary Feature
Kovid Mittal (India), 6387 meters black peak, Documentary Feature, Viewer Impact: Motivational / Inspirational
Leif Petersen and Yvette Kruger (South Africa), The State of the Nation, Documentary Feature
LJ Frizell (USA), Seven Square Miles, Documentary Feature
M Kaplan (USA), Liar-In-Chief: A Chronicle of the Trump Presidency Through the Eyes of An Outraged Graphic Artist, Documentary Feature, Creativity / Originality
Marie LeBlanc (Canada), Multiple Chemical Sensitivity&Environmental Illness-Awareness & Acknowledgement, Contemporary Issues / Awareness Raising
Martha Davis (Canada), PANDALAND:  Making IT Count, Documentary Short, Creativity / Originality
Mitch Waters (USA), Ten Days of Peace, Documentary Short

Impact Documentary Festival

Mitch Waters, H2Os Video (USA), Financial Literacy, Contemporary Issues / Awareness Raising
Monica Levinson and Steven Hentges (USA), The Stories of Us, Documentary Feature
Monique Principi and Stephanie Boyles Griffin (USA), An Overview of Wildlife Fertility Control, Documentary Short
Patricia A. Burke (USA), A Different Kind of Trash Talk, Documentary Short
Raginie Duara (India), A different path to recovery, Documentary Short
Reid Craft and Brandon M. Wattenbarger, Rugged Compass Entertainment (USA), The Edge of Adventure with Adam Asher, Documentary Feature, On-Camera Talent (Adam Asher)
Richard Nelson Anderson (USA), Where Sky Meets Eternity, Documentary Feature
Robyn Roots (Jones), Klosa Productions (USA), 2020 Year of the Nurse, Documentary Feature
Roel Swierenga (Netherlands), PUSHBACK, Contemporary Issues / Awareness Raising
Shaun T. Pulsifer (Canada), 36 Days, Documentary Short
Shihyun Wang (USA), Ernest, History / Biographical
Stefanos Tai (USA), WE DON’T DANCE FOR NOTHING – a photo-montage, Documentary Feature, Editing
Stephen Hamm (USA), A River Speaks, Documentary Short
Susan Ruth Downs, MD and Alex Voss (USA), Something Ain’t Right, Documentary Feature
Thomas Paige (USA), The Gathering: Roots & Branches of Los Angeles Jazz, Sound: Overall Impact
Vic Compher (USA), Angels and Saints – Eros and Awe, Documentary Feature, Special Effects: Animation (Amy Patrone), Original Song (Angels and Saints composed by Rodney Whittenberg)
Willem Aerts (Netherlands), Looking for Curtis, Documentary Short
Yannis Vamvakas (Greece), CHASING PLANETS FOR 60 YEARS STAMATIS (TOM) KRIMIGIS, Documentary Feature
Yong Jin Yoon (Korea), A letter from Carl Jung, Documentary Short


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